Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tax Dollars At Work

Desire and deception, lust and fetish, pleasure and pain - it's all happening beneath the waves, according to a new book about sex in the marine world.

"It's just mind blowing what these creatures get up to," says Victorian aquatic scientist Sheree Marris, author of KamaSEAtra: Secrets of Sex in the Sea.

Raunch and randiness are rampant among sea creatures, Marris says.

"There's jealousy, there are creatures who cheat on their partners, they do the same sort of things as us in terms of courting - they spray scented perfumes, they do amazing dances, they dress up and change colours.

"As humans we think we're such sexual beasts but compared to sea creatures we're just so boring."

More here: Extreme sex under the sea

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